It may seem odd, but adding e-learning to your classroom training can give your learners a one-two that powerfully reinforces your learning objectives.
In many organisations, it can be challenging to secure enough time for learning and development. Operational constraints and business needs take priority, reducing the time available for training activities.
By creating an online component to your trianing, you can make the most of the face to face time you have woth your learners. I'd recommend that you use the online resources to cover the mundane topics and use the time saved to discuss the most challenging parts of the topic.
Using e-learning affords you the oppertunity to engage learners before you start the course. By interacting with the material online and face to face, they can take a multi faceted view which may help them get a better understanding of the materials and achieve the learning objectives you intended.
While not a substitute for a more indepth training needs analysis, an online quiz or marked interactive activity can help identify areas where learners are struggling or lacking prerequisite knowledge. Armed with this knowledge you can tailor every session to suit the attendees present helping to maxmise their learning experience.
E-learning doesn't have to be seen as competition for traditional training- it can be a huge asset that can help make the most of your time!